Are You A Bookworm?

Wondering if you're a bookworm? Or if you really just like collecting books? Then it's time to find out once and for all! Take this quiz to get your answer.

Tags: Books, Reading, Read, Hobbies

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Total Bookworm
You're a total bookworm! You carry at least one book with you wherever you go, and you read both physical books and ebooks. You even listen to audiobooks! You read the books before the movies come out, and you read before bed. Your addiction is real!

You're bookish, which means yes, you have a love of books, and yes, you do read, but you're not nearly as obsessed with reading as you once were in the past. That means you're not quite a bookworm anymore, but you do have a history of being one.

Not Even Close
You barely read. Maybe one book out of the year. Two or three if you're lucky. You don't typically have a book with you, and any physical books you have tend to be for home decor purposes. Coffee table books. Photography collections and the like. You only read sometimes, and every single time it's either an audiobook, or a digital one.