Is My Dog Happy?

You love your dog more than anything. He or she is your best friend in the whole world. Animals can't talk though, so how do you know if your pup is happy? Find out right now!

Tags: Animals, Pets, Dogs, Happy, Puppy, Care, Friend

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Happy At All
Everything you're describing about your dog through this quiz tells us that he or she is not happy at all! Whatever you're doing, you need to change it. Nobody wants a depressed puppy on their hands. Go out and have some fun with your pet before it's too late!

Not Very Happy
Your dog might wag his tail at you when you first walk in the door, but then he goes and retreats to his own personal space again. That's because he's not very happy. Maybe you need to spend some more time bonding. It doesn't take much, so give it a try!

Kind Of Happy
When you come home from work, you play with your pup for a few minutes, but then you go on about your life like he isn't even there. That makes him feel happy for a while, but then he's lonely again. Let him jump in bed with you tonight. He will be more satisfied by morning.

Pretty Happy
You have a pretty happy dog in your house judging by your answers to this quiz. He or she might not be the happiest animal in the whole world, but it could be a lot worse. All they need is time and your attention. If you want a happier dog, give it to them.

Very Happy
The dog that lives with your family is very happy, so you don't have much to worry about. Just like people, dogs have their bad days too. When he or she seems a little down, just give them a little more loving. You're doing a great job with your fur baby as far as we can tell!

Perfectly Happy
Have you ever seen a dog smile before? Based off your answers here we're guessing that you have. You have a perfectly happy dog. Everything you're doing is the right way to care for your pet. He or she is going to live on a fulfilled life full of love. What a lucky pup!