Could You Be Famous?

Find out whether you have what it takes to last in the spotlight!

Tags: Fame, Star, Hollywood, Film, Famous

Here are all the results with descriptions

are made for the spotlight
You grab any attention that comes your way and love to be right in the spotlight. You love any sort of recognition or praise and love it when people remember who you are. You're not afraid to stand out and you are pretty daring! People tend to love being in your presence and you always make them laugh, smile or remeber you in some way!

should stay away from stardom
You hate all forms of attention and would much rather be doing something that takes the spotlight off you. You hate it when you get noticed for anything and you tend to stay away from conversation. You often struggle to make friends and hate the camera pointing in your direction.

could be famous but it won't last
You love a bit of attention every now and then but tend to not be the centre of it. You dream of working in a public service and a bit of recognition would be nice. When in a disagreement with someone you tend to be the person who thinks they are 100% right and will not apologize. Sometimes you make people laugh however people move on fast and may have forgotten you after a couple of years. You would last in the spotlight for a brief amount of time but sooner or later people would forget your name.