What Kind Of Teenager Are You?

Are you a nice teenager? Naughty? Rude? Unkind? Generous? Fun? Life of the party? Weird? Or even Goth?

Tags: Teens, Queen, Nerd

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are usually in at least 1 sport, and is/are popular. You most likely have friends to hang around almost always.

You are selfish, and no one disrespects you. You play volleyball or some feminine sort like that. You also have a mouth that runs nonstop.

You blend into the background and will most likely succeed in life. You aren't the most popular, but you sure put your mouth where you money is.

You usually aren't in the popular group, but you can be. You are surrounded by a small group of friends, which would really only include 2 or 3 if you think about it.

You are smart, funny, cool, and very intelligent.

You are someone completely unique. I didn't know how to explain who or what you are. You don't care about the rules, but then again you do. Strange, very odd.