Am I A Good Student?

Just because you get good grades doesn't mean you are a good student! Take this surprisingly revealing personality quiz now to see if you make the grade!

Tags: Study, Student, University, College, School

Here are all the results with descriptions

a good student because of your intelligence
You are an extremely smart person. Your brains have carried you a long way. However, if you want to continue to succeed, you will need to develop other aspects of your personality! Are you up to the challenge?

a good student because of your passion for knowledge
Your curiosity is like a raging fire! Your desire to know things motivates you to cultivate all the characteristics of being a good student. This wonderful quality will get you far in life. Try not to miss any ideas to learn more about life!

a good student because of your desire to improve yourself
Your desire to improve, sometimes called self-actualization, is the driving force behind your success as a student. This wonderful quality will never let you down! Never refuse an opportunity to learn and grow as an individual!

a good student because of your strong work ethic
Your willingness to work hard is the main reason you succeed as a student. This essential quality motivates you to show up every day, study hard, and do all of your homework. Keep up the good work and you will go far in life!

aren't a good student because of your lack of interest
You probably have the makings of a good student deep down inside, but your lack of interest blocks it from coming to the surface. Perhaps you don't see how school applies to your life or the material is too easy for you. If you determine the reason behind your disinterest, you might be able to do something about it.

aren't a good student because of your lack of effort
We suspect that there is a good student deep down inside you, but you don't try hard enough to bring it to the surface. If you take an interest in your studies and put the work in, you will see a marked improvement.