Christian World History Timeline

How well do you know the chronology of Christian history around the world? This challenging online trivia quiz will put your knowledge to the ultimate test!

Tags: Religion

Here are all the results with descriptions

are a Gentile
You got virtually every question wrong! Apparently, you don't know much about the spread of Christianity through the world. You will need to read the accounts of Jesus in the Bible and do some research to learn more about this religion!

are a spiritual babe
You have learned a couple of things about Christianity, but if you want to press on to maturity you will need to do some more reading and research. The Gospel accounts in the Bible are a good place to start!

haven't seen the light yet
You got about half of the questions right so you are not completely ignorant of the spread of Christianity around the world. However, if you want to score higher on these types of quizzes, you'll have to do some research before you begin!

have seen the light
Congratulations on answering many questions about the spread of Christianity correctly. You are certainly not ignorant when it comes to Christian world history, but you should accept opportunities to study the Bible and other historical books more closely!

would make Jesus smile
Congratulations! You answered the majority of the questions of this challenging Christian world history quiz correctly. You may have mixed up a few events but for the most part, you got the timeline correct!

are a real historian
Congratulations! You answered virtually all of the questions about the timeline of Christianity correctly. You know a lot about how Christianity spread around the world, but have you read the biblical accounts for yourself?