Here are all the results with descriptions
Nothing About The Boston Tea Party
Never change. It is literally amazing how little you can know about a subject. You completely bombed this quiz in every way. We really hope you're good looking or at least knowledgeable in another subject and if not then good luck.
A Little About The Boston Tea Party
You know barely anything about the Boston Tea Party. There are actually very few people who know less than you, but there's still some, so that counts for something! Maybe just do a little more research on the subject.
An Average Amount About The Boston Tea Party
You know just about what everyone else knows about the Boston Tea Party. You're not an idiot or ignorant on the subject but you also aren't an expert in any shape or form. You rock the middle so just stay around there.
A Lot About The Boston Tea Party
You have an impressive amount of knowledge about this revolutionary act in American history. You just need to do a little bit more research and you will be an absolute expert on the subject in no time.
Everything About The Boston Tea Party
Wow, do you bleed red. . . or red, white and blue? Because you crushed this Boston Tea Party history quiz. We'd go to your house for a tea party any day. Well as long as it's not near any large bodies of water.