Does My Teacher Like Me?

Are you having a hard time in one of your classes, and it's leaving you wondering if it's because the teacher doesn't like you? Find out if your instructor is fond of you or not with this quiz.

Tags: Education, Teacher, Professor, Relationship, Student, School

Here are all the results with descriptions

Doesn't Like You At All
There isn't really any easy way to put this, but your teacher really doesn't like you at all. It could be that you're not a very good student. There are times when personalities just clash too. Just do the work and get through the course so you can move on.

Doesn't Really Like You
Judging by your answers, your teacher doesn't really like you. Perhaps he or she already has enough favorite students, and you didn't make the list. It's a good life lesson. Not everyone in your world is going to love you, and that's okay! You'll make it through and keep trucking along without their relationship.

Tolerates You
It seems as though your teacher simply just tolerates the fact that you're in their class. Either they don't care for you, or they just don't like anyone in the room. There are people out there that are just miserable, and there's nothing you can do about it. Don't let it bother you too much. Do the work and move on!

Likes You
It appears as though your teacher likes you. You might not be his or her favorite student, but they are clearly happy that you're in their class. If you're having trouble with something, don't hesitate to ask. They are going to more than willing to work with you.

Really Likes You
You're just one step away from being adopted permanently by your teacher according to the way you answered these questions. It's evident that your teacher really likes you. It makes things a whole lot easier for you. Maybe you can pay it forward by helping someone that you see struggling.

Loves You
You probably already knew this, but your teacher absolutely loves you. They likely call on you for just about everything from running an errand to answering the difficult questions. Someone has to be the star student, right? Why not you? You've got it nailed down, so enjoy it while it lasts. You're not going to be everyone's favorite.