What Olympic Sport Would You Be Great At?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Table Tennis
When you think about the Olympics, I'm sure the first thing you think about ISN'T table tennis. Like table tennis Olympians, you are unique and quirky. You are free-spirited and aren't afraid to go against the grain and march to the beat of your own drum! You'd do great the sport!

Figure Skating
Olympic figure skating is not only about athleticism and strength. It's about creativity and beauty as well. You are a truly creative spirit - whether it be organizing a room, designing a PowerPoint presentation, or helping a friend out with fashion advice - you're the person anyone can count on to be artistic and produce amazing work. You would excel at figure skating!

Track & Field
Track and field Olympians are some of the most athletic and daring people out there. You are adventurous and love new challenges and experiences. Always looking for that next adrenaline rush and thrilling moment, you would be great at track and field!

There can never be a one man basketball team. Especially when it comes to the Olympics, basketball is a true team sport. You are social and outgoing. You love making new friends and catching up with old ones. Everyone knows when you walk into a room that you'll be the life of the party. You would be great at the teamwork that is necessary for anyone to be a great basketball Olympian!

High Dive
The high dive, especially on the Olympic level, is all about precision and concentration. You have a particular talent for paying attention to details, and you are driven, ambitious, and hard working. You would be an amazing Olympic high diver!