Here are all the results with descriptions
7% Like Dad
You are 7% similar to your dad. You have some things in common, but not a whole lot. Maybe you're more like your mother?
18% Like Dad
You are 18% similar to your dad. You guys have a few things in common, but you have more in common with others.
39% Like Dad
You are 39% similar to your dad. You have quite a bit in common with your dad, but you are different in a lot of ways too.
61% Like Dad
You are 61% similar to your dad. You have more in common with your dad than most other people, but you can also appreciate your differences.
92% Like Dad
You are 92% similar to your dad. You have so much in common with your dad that you're almost the same person. You do have some differences, but only the two of you are good at spotting them.