Art History Quiz

What do you know about the the history of art? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with this fun, challenging online trivia quiz. Let's start now!

Tags: Art, History, Painting, Artwork, Artist

Here are all the results with descriptions

Hopefully, you draw better than you memorize art history facts. You don't have the foggiest idea about the important painters, movements, and pieces of art history throughout the centuries. Better keep studying!

pretty sketchy
Everybody knows Picasso and Van Gogh! If you want to get a good score on this challenging art history quiz, you are going to have to study the Great Masters and their works. Why not enroll in a class?

rough around the edges
You know a few of the most famous painters but you are not familiar with many other important artists and their works. The only way you can increase your knowledge is to make a serious study of art history.

work in progress
You know the basics so it seems like you have already taken a class or two about art history? There's always more to learn so keep studying and soon you will be able to achieve a perfect score on this fun quiz.

Well, aren't you a piece of work? You scored quite well on this challenging art history quiz so it's clear that you know the basics and more. However, there's always more to learn so keep studying this interesting topic!

chef d'oeuvre
Great job! It's clear that you know art history from A to Z because you got virtually every question correct on this extremely challenging art history test. Congratulations on being an expert in this topic!