What Do The Adjectives You Pick Say About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're Confident
You hold yourself to pretty high standards. You know you look good and you are proud of that. You show it off that you love yourself.

You're Confused
Something in your life has you absolutely stumped. You aren't sure what it may be or what solution is correct but you'll find it out soon enough.

You're Imaginative
You have a creative mind that never stops thinking. Your mind is full of different ideas and thoughts and they all express your individuality.

You're Lonely
You feel alone and lost in your life and you're probably not sure why. Even if you're surrounded by people, you feel very lost.

You're Brave
You are someone who will stand up for what you believe in even if you're the only one standing. You have a bravery that many admire.