Which Unbelievable Skill Do You Possess?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Emotionally Sensitive
You seem to know what someone is feeling and can imagine yourself in their shoes. The way you know how others are feelings lets you help them in ways others can't.

Amazing Strength
You have a strength within you to pick up a few hundred pounds of stuff. You have a strength that many envy.

Strong Hopefulness
Even when everything is bleak and it looks like nothing will get better, you have a hope that can never be broken. Few people have that as it's easier to give up than to hope.

Photogenic Memory
You have a memory that captures every detail and memorized it perfectly. Very few can do this as it's quite hard to remember every tiny detail.

Fast Reader
You read quickly and not just a normal speed. You read pages with a minute or so and can retain the information perfectly. It doesn't take you long at all to finish a book.