Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Controls Your Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The deadly sin that controls your life is lust. You have an uncontrollable desire for many things in life. Perhaps you have an unquenchable sex drive or a lust for more money or more power.

The deadly sin that controls your life is greed. At times it feels as if nothing is ever quite enough for you. No matter what you have, you never feel as if you have enough. You have an in-conquerable need for more things, be it money, technology, or clothes.

The deadly sin that controls your life is gluttony. You have a tendency to be a bit wasteful. You often take more than you need, with an excessive desire to be full.

The deadly sin that controls your life is sloth. You have a hard time becoming motivated and often prefer to sleep or lay around rather than work. You can be a bit lazy unless you truly push yourself to get up and do something different.

The deadly sin that controls your life is wrath. You have a bit of a temper, which can cause outbursts of anger, jealousy, or hatred. These feelings can lead you to be a bit destructive towards yourself and your relationships.

The deadly sin that controls your life is envy. You often feel discontent and seething around people you perceive to have more than you. This can cause feelings of jealousy and even resentment.

The deadly sin that controls your life is pride. You often feel as if you are above those around you, which can cause you to unknowingly diminish their accomplishments, while pumping up your own.