How Aggressive Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Aggressive
You can be extremely aggressive at times. While you wouldn't hurt a fly, in times of duress or high stress, you have a tendency to vocally lash out at those around you. Stress can also cause you to be a bit pushy and demanding.

Very Aggressive
You are very aggressive. Despite your quiet nature and non-violent ways, you can still be an aggressive and demanding person when feeling overwhelmed. Your aggression doesn't come out in the form of physical violence, but rather criticism, and bossiness.

Kind Of Aggressive
You are kind of aggressive. Like so many of us, you can get a bit aggressive or "in your face" when feeling a bit backed into a corner or trapped. You don't like to feel out of control, and so you will often try to regain control through verbal force and coercion.

Aggressive Tendencies
You have aggressive tendencies. While you are rarely aggressive, you can get a bit touchy when feeling as if you or a loved one is being threatened or put down. Your aggression has more to do with self protection and defense than actual anger.

Completely Non-Aggressive
You are completely non-aggressive. You are a total pacifist who believes that nothing is resolved through anger or aggression. You believe that the only means to an end is through peace and calm discussion.