How Much Do You Actually Like Change?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're Not A Fan
You and change just don't get along. You thrive most in what you know and you cannot stand to be taken out of your comfort zone.

You Love It
Change is an exciting adventure waiting to happen. You love when new things arise that can change your life. Change tends to fit in with your spontaneous life.

You're Okay With It
While you may not be the biggest fan of change, you can definitely tolerate it. It sometimes seems exciting to get a change in your life, well, as long as it's good.

Hate Big Changes
You're alright with little changes in your day to day life. You don't mind being put out of your comfort zone a bit. The one you cannot stand though is huge changes that turn your work upside down.

You're Warming Up To Them
You never use to be a big fan of changes. You use to dread them terribly but now you're warming up to the idea of them. You see the excitement they can bring to your everyday life.