How Charitable Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Share Your Time
You would rather spend a weekend freely giving your time to a cause than simple writing a check out to a charity. You have a strong belief that in order to make an impact and change the world, you have to work at it yourself. You help others by sharing your time.

You Share Your Wealth
You believe that because you have been blessed with money that you should share it with others. You might have a lot to share, or a little to give but always share what you can. You are charitable and you share your wealth with others.

You Support A Cause
You feel strongly about a cause or two and rally others to support it as well. You might organize fund-raisers or strongly boost the income from one that you participate in. You do not mind giving, as long as you know that your money and time are supporting something worthwhile. You are charitable because you support a cause.

You Help Those That Can't Help Themselves
You are drawn to the helpless, that cannot help themselves. Children or animals in need pull at your heart-strings. You would gladly spend time volunteering at a shelter or low-income school. You are charitable because you help others that can't help themselves.

You are a Philanthropist
You have been blessed with an abundance and see it as your personal responsibility to see it it that your money is being put towards the best of causes. You support local artists, education, and foreign needs. You are charitable because you are a philanthropist.