What Is Your Compassion Type?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Insightful Compassion
You have insightful compassion! You are able to use your own experiences to gain insight into the pain and problems of others. Because of your insight, you are easily able to empathize with others and choose the best solution based on what you know works and feels right.

Perspective Compassion
You have perspective compassion! Your compassion is entirely based on your ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes. You have the unique ability to feel what another person is feeling, simply by seeing it from their side. This makes you an amazing confidant and companion.

Physical Compassion
You possess physical compassion! You are able to physically feel what another person is feeling. Because of this your reaction to the pain of others is also very physical. From giving affection to giving attention, you know that sometimes just "being there" is the best thing you can do for another person.

Gentle Compassion
You possess gentle compassion! You have a gentle compassion within you that allows you to easily traverse limitations and truly feel what another person is feeling. Because of this you will often go above and beyond to make others feel better, even if it means putting yourself into a terse situation.

Selfless Compassion
You possess selfless compassion! You are compassionate towards others for no reason other than that you truly want to help them. You don't ever expect a return on your kindness and do absolutely everything from a deep well of love within you.