What Is Your Sexiness Score?

Here are all the results with descriptions

95% Sexy
You're about as sexy as they get! You have a ton of charm and confidence and you know how to use that to your advantage. You're a seductive individual who just has people falling for you left and right.

100% Sexy
You're the sexiest that a person can be. You know that confidence is key and you use that to your advantage. Every time you walk into a room, all eyes will be checking you out.

87% Sexy
You're definitely a sexy person with great charisma. You know what your strengths are and you flaunt them. There's nothing sexier than someone who's confident in their own skin.

69% Sexy
You're a percentage of sexy that also has a bit of humor behind it. You're not just confident but you're also funny. You crack jokes at the best time and always have people laughing, there's nothing sexier than someone who's funny.

58% Sexy
You're not as sexy as you'd hope to be but you're still learning. You're not as confident in your skin as you hope to be but you know your value. You love yourself and that makes you sexy.