What Would You Do If You Went Back to 1981?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Invest in the Internet
If you went back to 1981, the first thing you would do is invest in the internet and web based companies. In the 80s, you scoffed at the idea of the internet. You simply didn't believe it would ever catch on. Now you're kicking yourself for all of the money and opportunities you missed out on.

Become a Michael Jackson Groupie
If you could go back to 1981, you would be a Michael Jackson groupie! In the 80s, you loved Michael Jackson with a passion, so much so, that your wall was plastered in posters and you owned more than one sequined jacket. If you could go back, you'd take your fan status to the next level by being a groupie!

Stock Up On Colorful Pants Suits
If you could go back to 1981, you would stock up on colorful pants suits! Okay, while you would never openly admit your love of brightly colored pants suits, you truly love them. Unfortunately, they're a bit more difficult to find now then they were in 1981. If you went back, you would buy as many pants suits as you could get your hands on!

Eat My Weight in Lean Cuisine
If you could go back to 1981, you would eat your weight in Lean Cuisine! Lean Cuisine was first introduced in 1981, unfortunately you weren't immediately on board. Not only would you hoard these delicious TV dinners, but you'd likely invest in the company.

Woo The One That Got Away
If you could go back to 1981 you would woo the one that got away! You missed your first opportunity with the person you believe is the one and now that you've got a second chance, you're not going to ruin it. You'll sweep them off your feet and make sure you lock them down this time around.