How Brave Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Incredibly Brave
You are incredibly brave and resilient. Not only do you never shy away from a harrowing situation, but you tackle every new circumstance with dignity and grace. Never do you let nerves or doubts eat away at your courage. Even in moments where you feel paralyzed with fear, you continue to move forward, even with no guarantee of a happy or painless outcome.

Beyond Brave
You are beyond brave! Most people never take risks due to the fear of failure or rejection. You're not most people. Even when your heart is racing, your knees are shaking, and your legs feel like spaghetti noodles; you boldly jump into the unknown without hesitation. Courage should truly be your middle name.

Brave and Bold
You are both brave and bold! You're a confident risk taker who never lets self doubt or the fear of criticism paralyze you from chasing your dreams. You always forge a way into the unknown full speed ahead without looking back.

Mostly Brave
You are mostly brave! Like so many of us, you have moments of fear and moments of courage. The important thing is that you can always summon bravery when a moment calls for fearless risk taking. Even though you can often feel overwhelmed and scared of new/different situations, you never let that keep you from growing and taking on new challenges.

Somewhat Brave
You are somewhat brave! You might not be the bravest all of the time, but you're the most brave when it counts. In moments that call for strength, bravery, and faith you never cower or break down. You always rise to the occasion and summon all of the courage you have within you!