Which Word Do You Hate?

For sure you have words you hate! Can we guess which one?

Tags: Words, Spelling, Language

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your word is 'SUPPOSEDLY'! You cannot understand why people always use it, spell it, or pronounce it the wrong way. 'Supposedly' and 'supposably' are not the same! It's not that hard, for goodness' sake! Erghh!

Your word is 'PHLEGM'! Just the sound of this word makes you feel nauseous! Disgusting! And the spelling? It looks like random letters thrown together!

Your word is 'LITERALLY'! This is 'literally' the most abused word in English-language history, and you totally agree with that! You basically can't stand that!

Your word is 'MOIST'! You're not surprised, I suppose! Most people on the planet hate this word. Why is that? Moist, moist, moist . . . say it a few times, and you can already feel awkward with 'moist' in your mouth. Moist, moist, moist . . .

Your word is 'AWESOME'! How awesome is that?! You're just tired of people using it all the time! Don't they have other words to describe awesomeness?

Your word is 'JOURNEY'! Fancy-schmancy word . . . looks like everybody is on a journey now: life journey, creative journey, work journey. Enough! Are you on a journey too?