How Much Tax Are You Okay With Paying?

Here are all the results with descriptions

0% Tax
You don't believe there should be a tax on items and that it should be void of any. You're not a fan of sales tax and you believe that the economy would be better off without it.

6% Tax
You believe that there should only be a 6% sales tax on items you buy. You don't believe the sales tax should be any higher especially for things you consider basic needs.

10% Tax
You believe the sales tax should only be about 10% and no higher or lower. You're not a fan of paying a higher percentage and believe that if it was higher, it would ruin the economy.

25% Tax
You believe that there should be a 25% sales tax on items. You believe that a quarter of it is good to tax others in order to improve the economy.

60% Tax
You believe that a sales tax of 60% is the way to go. You believe that if the tax is higher, the economy will fair much better. You believe that you'll be able to the poor people with a higher tax rate.