What Is Your Recipe For Your Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

2 Cups Craziness, 3 TBSP Sense Of Humor, 2 TSP Grace And A Dash Of Luck
Your recipe for life is... 2 Cups Craziness- We aren't speaking of the clinically insane asylum type of crazy but rather the kind of crazy a person who takes chances embodies. You are quirky and brave and don't really worry about what others think about you. We think that is just great. 3 TBSP Sense Of Humor- Because face it, like is FUNNY. It just is and you have learned that getting through it is so much easier when you are laughing along the way. 2 TSP Grace- Think of grace as its own unique blend of beauty and charm as well as kindness and the ability to forgive. It is a quality that is often overlooked but very important, and your life is made up of a healthy portion of it. A Dash of Luck- because sure you could argue that you are where you are today because of hard work and dedication but is that really the case? Surely you must recognize that lady luck has smiled down on you from time to time.

2 Cups Intelligence, 1 1/2 Cups Beauty, 3 TSP Grace, And A Dash Of Crazy
Your recipe for life is... 2 Cups Intelligence- You are smart about the choices that you make in life. You enjoy learning and discovering new things every day. 1 1/2 Cups Beauty. Not everybody has been blessed with good genes, and so you don't take your luck lightly. You know that you are classically beautiful but don't flaunt your good looks which of course makes you even more attractive. 3 TSP Grace- Think of grace as its own unique blend of beauty and charm as well as kindness and the ability to forgive. It is a quality that is often overlooked but very important, and your life is made up of a healthy portion of it. A Dash Of Crazy - We aren't speaking of the clinically insane asylum type of crazy but rather the kind of crazy a person who takes chances embodies. You are quirky and brave and don't really worry about what others think about you. We think that is just great.

2 Cups Bravery, 1 Cup Intelligence, 3 TSP Sense Of Humor And A Dash Of Crazy
Your recipe for life is... 2 Cups Bravery. You are not content to live your life on the sidelines wondering what could have been. Many people dream about taking on challenges but you actually DO it. 1 Cup Intelligence. You are smart about the choices that you make in life. You enjoy learning and discovering new things every day. 3 TSP Sense Of Humor Because face it, like is FUNNY. It just is and you have learned that getting through it is so much easier when you are laughing along the way. A Dash Of Crazy We aren't speaking of the clinically insane asylum type of crazy but rather the kind of crazy a person who takes chances embodies. You are quirky and brave and don't really worry about what others think about you. We think that is just great.

4 Cups Sense Of Humor, 2 Cups Bravery , 3 TSP Crazy, And A Dash Of Grace
Your recipe for life is... 4 Cups Sense Of Humor because face it, like is FUNNY. It just is and you have learned that getting through it is so much easier when you are laughing along the way. 2 Cups Bravery. You are not content to live your life on the sidelines wondering what could have been. Many people dream about taking on challenges but you actually DO it. 3 TSP Crazy. We aren't speaking of the clinically insane asylum type of crazy but rather the kind of crazy a person who takes chances embodies. You are quirky and brave and don't really worry about what others think about you. We think that is just great. A Dash Of Grace- Think of grace as its own unique blend of beauty and charm as well as kindness and the ability to forgive. It is a quality that is often overlooked but very important, and your life is made up of a healthy portion of it.

3 Cups Commitment, 2 Cups Beauty, 3 TSP Intelligence, And A Dash Of Luck
Your recipe for life is... 3 Cups Commitment. You believe in keeping your promises. You are your happiest when you are committed to something, whether that be a relationship, religion, or profession, and are living up to that commitment. 2 Cups Beauty. Not everybody has been blessed with good genes, and so you don't take your luck lightly. You know that you are classically beautiful but don't flaunt your good looks which of course makes you even more attractive. 2 Cups Honor , 3 TSP Intelligence. You are smart about the choices that you make in life. You enjoy learning and discovering new things every day. A Dash Of Luck because sure you could argue that you are where you are today because of hard work and dedication but is that really the case? Surely you must recognize that lady luck has smiled down on you from time to time.