What Kind Of Music Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're someone who's extremely bubbly and confident and you know exactly what you want from life. You stay ahead of the current trends and people look up to you for it. You have a high sense of self-esteem that helps you get through everyday.

You're a passionate and creative individual who views the world differently than most. You work hard for what you want you in life and you won't let anyone get in your way. You may not be gentle at first glance but you're actually quite a sensitive soul.

You're a rather intelligent individual who's always looking to discover new things. You're quite a curious person and you loving learning new things. You focus more on the analytical part of life and you make decisions based on facts, not feelings.

You tend to be quite gentle at heart and you can easily win over others with your charming personality. You're sensitive at heart and you're always looking to help those in need.

You can come off as quite cold and hard-headed but your friends and family know how gentle and sensitive you truly are. You're a creative soul and you take inspiration from the world around you.