What Role Would You Play In A Romantic Comedy?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Wacky Best Friend
If you were ina romantic comedy, you would play the role of the wacky best friend. Supportive, compassionate, and always willing to lend as shoulder to cry on; you're eccentric but full of spirit!

The Female Lead
If you were in a romantic comedy, you would play the role of the female lead! In the past, dating has failed you. One guy after another has found a way to let you down, but one day you met the guy who changed everything. The rest is movie history!

The Inexperienced Friend
If you were in a romantic comedy, you would play the inexperienced friend! You're not well versed in love but you love to offer advice anyway. Sure, you may not have the wrap sheet of your friend, but you've still got a great spirit and amazing personality.

The Advice Giver
If you were in a romantic comedy you would be the advice giver! You may not have a huge role in the romantic comedy scene, but you prove pivotal. You're the one that doles out the advice that changes the whole trajectory of the movie.

The Manic Pixie Dream Girl
If you were in a romantic comedy, you would be the manic pixie dream girl. You're ethereal, loving, and totally adventurous. You love life and can always find a silver lining in every situation. Even those that don't call for silver linings whatsoever.