How Will You Look In 20 Years Based On Your Diet?

Here are all the results with descriptions

If you continue to eat the way you do, you will have heart issues and will be obese. You need to take better care of yourself by eating more healthy. Try replacing the sugary drinks with fruit infused water and instead of eating bread and rice, try eating a salad or even quinoa.

Lean And Fit
You are headed in the right direction. If you keep eating the way you do, you will be lean and fit! Keep up the good work.

Too Skinny
You should eat more healthy food. Just because you skip eating altogether doesn't mean that you're healthy. You should eat more protein and vegetables.

Your diet could consist of more veggies and fruits considering the way you eat now will determine how you will look when you're older. Lay off the sugary drinks and cheeseburgers and you'll be fine.

You are on the road to living a healthy life. You will look like a healthy person. Keep it up.