Which Famous TV Family Are You Most Like?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Bradys
The TV family that you are most like is the Brady's of "The Brady Bunch!" You're a wholesome group that loves to spend time together. While you may disagree from time to time, your love for one another always mends things seamlessly.

The Bunkers
The TV family that you are most like is The Bunkers from "All in the Family." Some might call you dysfunctional or even zany, but at the end of the day the love you all hold for one another transcends any differences.

The Barones
The TV family you're most like is The Barones of "Everybody Loves Raymond!" Sure, you're a cast of characters. Your family can be loud, overbearing, and overly involved. But more than that, your clan is tight knit, loving, and loyal.

The Cleavers
The TV family you're most like is The Cleavers of "Leave it to Beaver!" Your family seems to make all other families look bad! You guys are organized, loving, and decisive. You love spending time with one another and you know that family always comes first.

The Waltons
The TV family you're most like is The Waltons of "The Waltons!" Your family is resilient, strong, and totally bonded. You rely on one another for just about everything in this life. From support and advice to someone to hang out with, your family does everything together.