What Is Your Age Based On Your Character Traits?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Are Eighteen-Years-Old!
Your character traits reveal that you are young at heart. Don't mistake this result with being "immature" - you are simply youthful, which is great trait to have!

You Are Twenty-Something
Your character traits reveal that you are definitely young, but not so youthful that you could be mixed up with being a kid. You are mature - but not so mature that you are a buzzkill.

You Are Thirty Something!
You are in the sweet spot for maturity based on your character traits. You mature enough to be considered an adult - no questions asked. However, you are still young enough to be considered youthful and having your whole life ahead of you!

You Are Forty-Something!
You are incredibly mature and WISE! You have learned a lot in your lifetime, so much so that you can be considered an expert in the skill of LIFE. Good for you!

Your character traits reveal that you are beyond fifty-years-old (at least your personality is). While you may be experienced, mature, and wise, you are also a bit of a party-pooper, so maybe work on that!