Can We Guess How Messy You Are Based On Your Taste In Movies?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Messy
Based on your taste in movies, you are extremely messy! It's obvious that you're more about having fun and being creative, rather than worrying about mess or clutter. Hey, we get it! Life's short!

Messy And Disorganized
Based on your taste in movies, you're messy and disorganized! You're an eccentric soul with a vivid imagination. This can often lead you on a quest to accumulate lots of neat little odds and ends. Unfortunately, this doesn't always make for a organized house!

A Bit Cluttered
Based on your taste in movies, you're a bit cluttered! Your movies show that you're pretty average in terms of clutter and mess. You value family, friends, and creating special moments over cleaning every 15 minutes to keep it pristine. Keep on living life your way!

Fairly Organized
Based on your taste in movies, you're a fairly organized person! You're not one for messy or complicated plots and you're certainly not one for a messy or complicated house. You crave order as often as possible.

A Total Neat Freak
Based on your taste in movies, you're a total neat freak! You hate movies that are all over the place and you hate when your house is a disaster. In fact, you'll stop at nothing to ensure that your house is neat and orderly at all times.