Which TV Character Is Most Like Your First Roommate?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Jack Tripper Of Three's Company
Your first roommate was most like Jack Tripper of Three's Company! Much like Tripper, your first roommate was a bit of a klutz and totally accident prone. Despite this, your first roommate was kind hearted and always willing to go the extra mile to lend you a hand.

Joey Tribbiani Of Friends
The TV character who is most like your first roommate is Joey Tribbiani of Friends! Much like Joey, your first roommate was good natured and likable, but not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed. Your roommate also had a bad habit of dropping food and eating pretty much everywhere.

Elaine Benes Of Seinfeld
The TV character who is most like your first roommate is Elaine Benes of Seinfeld! Much like Elaine, your first roommate was often a victim of fate. No stranger to conflict, your roommate often came with more drama than a soap opera!

Lucy Ricardo Of I Love Lucy
The TV character that is most like your first roommate is Lucy Ricardo of I Love Lucy! Much like Lucy, your roommate was always cooking up a scheme or planning something big. Of course, most of their plans fell through and ended up burdening you.

Kramer Of Seinfeld
The TV character who is most like your first roommate is Kramer of Seinfeld! Much like Kramer, your first roommate was eccentric, creative, and honestly just a bit odd. With strange habits and even weirder hours, your roommate could most often be found aimlessly wandering about the apartment.