Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Sense Of Humor?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on your sense of humor, we believe you are age 21! You have a very dry and witty sense of humor that is often riddled with cynicism. Growing up as a millennial, you've learned to embrace intelligent humor that makes you think.

Based on your sense of humor, we believe you are age 29! You love a good mix of dry witty humor and physical comedy. You're at the age where you can find just about anything funny given that you're in the right mood.

Based on your sense of humor, we believe you are age 35! You love sarcastic humor with a bit of an edge. Growing up in the era that you did, lent itself to the humor of Seinfeld and Friends, where witty and sarcastic humor was the norm.

Based on your sense of humor, we believe you are age 42! While you love a witty dry joke, you also love a good set up and some classic punchline style jokes. You're not one to turn your nose up at simple or silly humor. Instead, you embrace humor of all times, knowing that laughter of any kind is always a good idea.

Based on your sense of humor, we believe you are age 56! You're at the age where you simply don't care at all what others think when it comes to your likes, dislikes, and your sense of humor. You embrace happiness and do your own thing. Some may say, your taste in humor is as wise and varied as you are!