What Do You Need To Live A Happier Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Little Help
In order to lead a happier life, you could use a little help from your friends and family! You're prone to taking on way too much. As a total "yes" person, you hate to ask for help or let others do things for you that you can do for yourself. While this is noble, letting others pitch in will give you more time to focus on you and love yourself.

Some Alone Time
In order to lead a happier life, you need some alone time! Sure, taking care of others every minute of the day is a noble act, but it doesn't always lead to the greatest sense of self or appreciation. Take some alone time and do what you love to do! You'll quickly feel all of your stresses melt away.

More Adventure
In order to lead happier life, you need a bit more adventure! It's easy to get caught up in day to day routines and fall into the trap of comfort. Though you're not unhappy, you could use a jolt of adventure in your life to mix things up and inspire you to forge new paths in life.

A True Partner
In order to lead a happier life, you'll need to find a true partner! You're a deeply romantic soul who wants to find the person you're truly meant to spend your life with. A true partner is there for you every step of the way. Guiding, inspiring, and challenging you to be the best person you can be.

A Fulfilling Career
In order to find true happiness in life, you'll need to find a fulfilling career! While your job isn't the worst, it isn't doing much for you in the way of happiness. Sure, a steady paycheck is nice, but finding your true calling will lead to a true surge in contentment and fulfillment. Start exploring your likes and dislikes. You might just stumble upon your dream career!