What’s Your Game Of Thrones Name?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Kathlyn Belmore
Your Game of Thrones name is Kathlyn Belmore! As an inquisitive and curious soul, you would always be privy to the goings on in Westeros. From spreading information to proving a vital tool to the family you've pledged loyalty to, you have a name that embodies your class, spirit, and emboldened attitude.

Adrya Skanler
Your Game of Thrones name is Ardrya Skanler! In Sanskrit, your name loosely translates to "green" or "verdant." Among those in town, you're known for your femininity, grace, and fertility. You are a natural born nurturer who seeks to heal rather than harm.

Melinsa Malver
Your Game of Thrones name is Melinsa Malver! Much like your name implies you are both impish and mysterious. You keep your feelings concealed, often proving an efficient and clever warrior. Rather than using weapons to get your way, you use the powers of your mind to manipulate and entice others.

Clatton Lash
Your Game of Thrones name is Clatton Lash! You're a brave and stoic individual who doesn't fear the arduous task of going head to head in battle. Stubborn in your beliefs, you'd rather die than be proven wrong when it comes to your greatest passions!

Romarn Santagar
Your Game of Thrones name is Romarn Santagar! Feared by many and known by all, you're a tour de force in the world of Westeros and beyond. With an audacious confidence and interminable wit, going head to head with you is not something many people want to do!