What’s Your True Emotional Age?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on the results of this quiz, your true emotional age is 21! Though you may be older than 21, you emotionally still feel as varied and sensitive as you did at age 21. You take rejection hard and aren't a huge fan of criticism. Don't worry, with age, comes wisdom and growth. Learn from every challenge and you'll gain resilience and stamina!

Based on the results of this quiz, your true emotional age is 25! Though you can handle most things like a pro, you still have moments where you feel as if you have no idea what you're doing or who you are. Don't worry, we all have days like that! Life is full of obstacles, remember to keep your chin up and overcome the best you can.

Based on the results of this quiz, your true emotional age is 32! You're emotionally very steadfast and logical. You don't overreact over most situations and tend to assess in the form of problem solving. You know that ever problem has a solution!

Based on the results of this quiz, your true emotional age is 45! You're emotionally sound with a deep knowledge of what's important in life and what is trivial. With this perspective, you know what matters and what doesn't, what leads to growth and what leads to set backs. With your attitude, you'll only continue to grow more wise with age!

Based on the results of this quiz, your true emotional age is 55! You're done with the raw emotions of youth and have settled on the sage wisdom of age 55. Though you do feel things deeply, you only focus on the things and moments that matter. When something is bothersome, you let the thought pass by like a leaf floating down a river. It's there for a moment, but trouble is often impermanent.