What Kind Of Single Person Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Independent
You're the type of single person who is strong and independent! When you're single, you seize the opportunity to work on yourself, have some fun, and explore your options. You always have your priorities in check and don't let being single derail your fun!

The Hopeful Romantic
You're the type of single person who is a hopeful romantic! When you're single, you're always open to a new relationship but you're not actively dating or seeking someone out. You believe that the right person will happen when the timing is just right. In the meantime, you're going to take some time for you!

The Couldn't Care Less Type
You're the type of single person who couldn't care less that you're single! Sure, you're alone, but that's never stopped you from having a good time before. In your opinion, it's better to be alone then stuck in a bad relationship. You'll find the one in due time, but for now, you're just doing your thing!

The Heartbroken Type
You're the type of single person who often feels a bit heartbroken about being alone! You don't feel totally whole unless you're in a couple, often struggling to find things to do on your own. Remember, being single is a great time to learn more about yourself and what you want in life!

The Whatever Happens Type
You're the type of single person that just lets the chips fall where they may! Whatever happens in your life, you know you'll be just fine. If a relationship doesn't work out, you've concluded that it wasn't meant to be. You live each day to the fullest regardless of if you're in a relationship or not!