What Percent Julia Child Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Julia Child
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 100% Julia Child! You’re a passionate and confident person who isn’t afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and learn something new. You’re humorous, loving, and creative, with a true knack for spicing up life and perfectly dressing a chicken! What could be better!

75% Julia Child
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 75% Julia Child! Much like Ms. Child, you’re an outlandish personality who isn’t afraid to embrace your quirks. You don’t let age, gender, or skill keep you from pursuing your biggest dreams! When you want something, you go for it all the way. Whether it’s French cooking, being a great spouse, or bringing a smile to someone’s face, you do everything with pride and gusto!

50% Julia Child
Based on the results of this quiz you are 50% Julia Child! Much like Ms. Child, you embrace whatever it is life throws your way! You don’t let challenges or bad circumstances keep you from pursuing your dreams or donning a smile. When the going gets tough, you get tougher! Even if it means indulging in a few comfort macarons along the way!

30% Julia Child
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 30% Julia Child! Much like Ms. Child, you’re a quirky and creative soul who lives life with bold confidence! Sure, you might not know how to cook, but that’s not going to stop you from trying anyway! Unlike Julia, you can often let your naysayers and critics bring you down!

10% Julia Child
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 10% Julia Child! Much like Ms. Child, you’re a creative tour de force who isn’t afraid to make magic happen all on her own. Unlike Ms. Child, you can sometimes let your detractors and critics run the show!