What Kind Of Procrastinator Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Perfectionist
You're a perfectionist procrastinator! More often than not, you put things off in order to avoid being embarrassed if you would make a mistake. You spend lots of time on one aspect of a project and often struggle with time management. You simply want everything to be perfect, which can lead to you feeling a bit overwhelmed!

The Imposter
You're an imposter procrastinator! You tend to put things off for as long as possible because you're afraid that your work may reveal to the world that you're somehow unqualified or inferior. To avoid the risk of looking bad, you'll put a project off for as long as you can!

Dread Filled Procrastinator
You're a dread filled procrastinator! When you feel that a task or project is going to be really boring or unpleasant, you'll procrastinate just to avoid having to endure the drudgery. If you hate what you're doing, you'll always find a way to put off doing it.

The Overwhelmed Procrastinator
You're the overwhelmed procrastinator! For the most part, you put things off simply because you don't have time. You constantly feel like you're juggling a few too many things at once, which can make it hard for you to start something new!

The Lucky Procrastinator
You're the lucky procrastinator! You have a tendency to put things off because you feel as if you work a bit better under pressure. In fact, you truly believe that the work you do when under the gun is the best work of all.