How Italian Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Italian
You are 100% Italian. Viva l'Italia! Whether you are a true Italian or not, you appreciate the Italian way of life. You truly appreciate family, a good meal, good stories, and an often chaotic way of life.

75% Italian
You are 75% Italian. A full Italian appreciates a good meal, including dessert and coffee. They tend to take their time and savor life's little things. At 75% you tend to enjoy life, but you are still a bit too fast paced to be a full Italian.

50% Italian
You are 50% Italian. You are independent and very much like to do things your own way. You don't appreciate much family influence. A true Italian is bonded to their family and loves their input on as much as possible.

30% Italian
You are 30% Italian. While a true italian is typically outgoing and animated, you are a bit more reserved. You don't like to be the center of attention and gesturing wildly is not an excellent way to stay in the background.

10% Italian
You are 10% Italian. Don't fret. You can still enjoy pasta and a cannoli, you just don't share the same values as a full Italian. Italians are truly a passionate and loving group, you are a bit more independent by nature.