What Is God Saying To You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

To Trust Your Instincts More
You have a habit of not listening to your gut feeling. Whether that's because of fear or doubt, you should start to listen to it more. It rarely is wrong and it can probably lead to some great things.

Push Your Limit
You have a sense of adventure and a great determination inside you. You sometimes lack the confidence to push yourself to your potential. If you do so, you'll see great results.

Open up More
You are someone who is closed to those around you. Whether i stems from fear or something else, you should learn to let others into your heart more. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Become At Peace With Yourself
You have a stressful and irritated aura about you. You may have low self esteem as you seem to put yourself down more than you should. Try to make peace with yourself and learn to love who you are.

Be Skeptical and Mindful
You are someone that can't help but be overly optimistic. You always look on the bright side of things. That optimism needs to be balanced though with some skepticism.