Here are all the results with descriptions
You are as classic as this Parisian designer and will never go out of style. The designer bag that best fits your personality is a Chanel bag.
You aren't the devil, but you can certainly pull off this label. The designer bag that best fits your personality is a Prada bag.
You do not mind waiting around for something that is worth is, and paying for quality. The designer bag that best fits your personality is a Burkin bag.
You are down to earth and classic. You feel just as comfortable in a pair of chic boots as you do in platform heels. The designer bag that best fits your personality is a Burberry bag.
Louis Vuitton
You want others to recognize your style from a distance, and why shouldn't they when a person is as put together as you are. The designer bag that best fits your personality is a Louis Vuitton bag.