How British Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely British
Enjoy a cup of tea because you're as British as they come! You have a stiffer upper lip and tend to keep your thoughts to yourself. You make sure to think before you talk and you're definitely polite. You also work very hard in your career but you never put work above family.

Barely British
You wouldn't pass as British and that could be because of your outspoken nature. You're not a very reserved person and you tend to always say what's on your mind. You're passionate and you tend to seek out adventure and companionship.

Pretty British
While you may have a few traits that differ from traditional, you would definitely still pass as a British person. You tend to usually bite your tongue and only speak after thinking it through. You have a politeness about you that many people respect.

Somewhat British
While you may be rather reserved compared to most people, you're also a very passionate person. When you know people well, you tend to shed off your quietness and you'll get rather boisterous and playful.