How Self-Motivated Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Motivated
When something needs to get done, you don't stop until you've finished it perfectly. You're a bit of a perfectionist and you have expectations for yourself. You're not one to procrastinate as you can usually motivate yourself to get everything complemented.

Very Motivated
You're pretty good at keeping yourself motivated in your day to day life. You know that unless you push yourself, nothing will get done. You're great at staying focused to your tasks and not wavering until it's finished.

Pretty Motivated
For the most part, you're a pretty motivated person. You may have moments where you get distracted or you procrastinate but when you have something important in front of you, you make sure to get it done.

Not So Motivated
You have a bit of trouble keeping yourself motivated. You're someone who gets easily distracted, especially from tedious tasks. You procrastinate from time to time but you make sure you get everything done, even if it's at the last minute.