How American Are You?

There's more to being an American than baseball and apple pie. Take this quiz to find out exactly how American you are!

Tags: America, Personality, Teens

Here are all the results with descriptions

A 100% Red-Blooded, Die-Hard 'Murican
You live and breathe country music, Budweiser beer, and KFC. You probably drive a giant truck or a full-sized SUV and go to church every single Sunday. You can work a cowboy hat and Wrangler jeans like no other. God Bless the USA!

A 75% True-Blue American Citizen
While you've probably adapted well to life in the suburbs of some amazing city like Atlanta or Chicago, you're still a small-town Southern belle or a country gentleman at heart. You work hard and play hard and always remember your manners. You appreciate other cultures but are the most comfortable when surrounded by close family and friends who think the same way that you do.

50% American or the Casual Patriot
You definitely enjoy the perks of an American lifestyle, but you don't let it define you either. While you definitely have your roots planted firmly in American soil, you don't see anything wrong with visiting new places, tasting different foods, and experiencing foreign cultures.

25% American or the 25-Cent Patriot
You've taken the best of what American culture has to offer--its idealism, innovation, and golden opportunities, for example--and discarded the rest. You probably live in a big, diverse, and multicultural city, like San Francisco or New York City, and feel most comfortable eating pho or Indian food in a trendy hole-in-the-wall restaurant while conversing with people from different backgrounds.

10% American or Not Exactly Un-American, Per Se
You've got very little in common with most Americans, and you're probably just fine with that. Your friends are all from different countries around the world. You do appreciate some aspects of American culture, like its music, modern art shows, and other cultural events, but can't relate to American people very well at all.

0% American or 100% Not American
Congratulations! You have absolutely nothing in common with American culture, and this is probably the answer that you were hoping for. We're guessing that you're either a proud foreigner or an American teenager.