Which Roman God Are You?

Have you ever wondered which Roman god you are? Take the quiz and find out now!

Tags: Ancient-History, Good

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are Jupiter, the mighty king of the gods. As Jupiter, you rule over the sky, thunderstorms, lightning, weather, and air. You are a natural-born leader. You love being in control and are a strong, passionate, and idealistic leader.

You are Neptune, the patron god of sailors and the protector of ships. You love to be in nature and to feel connected to the earth. For someone like you, it's necessary to recharge out in the wild--preferably near the ocean--whenever you get the chance.

You are Bellona, the goddess of war, conquest, and peace. You have nerves of steel, and it takes a lot to frighten you. If you are ever scared, you never show it--instead, you radiate confidence and energy, no matter what is going on inside.

You are Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, divine counsel, and war. You're a born businessman or woman. Everybody asks you for advice, and you offer it with a kind heart and serious mind. You are always there to help your friends.

You are Vesta, the goddess of the home and the hearth. You love friendship, comfort, and all things domestic. Your priority is your family, and your life revolves around spending time at home with the ones you love.

You are Venus, the goddess of love and consort of Mars. Divine mother of Aeneas, ancestor of the Romans, you're intelligent and kind, and are accepting of all kinds of people without judgment. You have a lovely soul that radiates strength and beauty from within.