Which Side Dish Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Macaroni And Cheese
People just can't get enough of your wonderful personality. You're a bubbly and exciting person to be around and everyone just wants to know you better. You're the type of person who has quite a bit of friends.

Baked Beans
While you may have a rather calm personality, you do have a bit of boldness that hides behind it. You usually stay quiet and go with the flow but you will speak up when it's needed.

You happen to be a pretty laid-back individual who gets along with almost everyone. You're not a fan of starting confrontations so you prefer to blend in with the crowd instead of standing out.

Peas And Carrots
You have a rather simple personality. You prefer tradition and routine and you can't help but feel very uncomfortable when you stray from it.

You happen to be a rather serious and focused person at almost all times. The only thing is that your loved ones truly know how outgoing and friendly you can truly be.