What Does Friendship Mean To You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Best Friends Forever
You are the tried and true best friend! You have had the same bff for ever. You talk, text and see each other almost every day. When you are at a crossroad, he/she is the one you lean on and you are in turn his/her rock.

The Gangs All Here
You have a group of friends that you consider yourself close to and you cherish them. You are frequently planning get togethers with your close knit group of pals or going out with "the gang." When you are struggling with something in your life, you reach out to the group's collective conscience via a girl's night out.

Don't Play Favorites
You make friends and keep them, however you don't consider anyone your "best friend." You are pragmatic in that you know your feelings can change, people change therefore your perception of others and feelings toward them remain fluid.

Close To Home
You are a traditionalist who stays close to home. Your best friend is probably someone in your family, a sister perhaps. Your life revolves around your family and those close to you. Your motto is, "family first."

Friends Near And Far
You love to travel and meet new people. Your contact list is constantly growing because you make friends wherever you go! You especially love to keep up with them through your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter feed. You are the type of person who can pick up where you left off with a friend you may not have seen or spoken to in years!