What One Food Would You Take To A Deserted Island?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Pizza potentially has all the food groups, plus pepperoni. You could eat pizza for every meal, good choice!

Healthy and delicious, this brain food is versatile in ingredients, that plus you are a sushi connoisseur and would be completely satisfied with daily sushi meals.

They do say dark chocolate is an antioxidant, so it is good for you, right? If there is one thing you cannot do without, it is your chocolate fix. You will just have to supplement your diet with coconuts and whatever else the island provides.

Well it's not really a food, but you can't live without it, especially living in isolation on a desert island. You will just have to supplement your diet with fish and island berries!

A Good Old Fashioned Hamburger
Lets face it, your belly will always be full and, with condiments, you could potentially meet all the food groups required for a healthy diet!