What Kind Of Veggie Are You?

Veggies come in all shapes and sizes, each with a personality all its own, just like people! What veggie are you?

Tags: Vegetarian, Diet

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Potato!
You are loved by almost everyone. You can fit in with any crowd, and you have a million personalities to fit whatever the occasion calls for. People can count on you to make almost everyone happy and get along well with anyone you are sharing space with! You are a lot like a potato!

A Carrot!
You are usually pretty sweet but never overly so. You are a bright and sunny person. Sometimes you are a softy, and other times you are just plain hard, but either way, most people like you. You get along especially well with little kids, even the ones who don't warm up to most others. You are just like a carrot!

A Cucumber!
When you aren't made up, you are pretty mild and unassuming. The thing is, you can really fix yourself up and wow people. You always know just what to add to make something good turn into something great! You are also great at complimenting! While you love to fix yourself up, you don't enjoy spending tons of money. You get a lot for very little! You are such a cucumber!

A Tomato!
You are an amazing person. You can really do just about anything. There are many people who couldn't live life without you. You seem to make things easier and more fun. Kids love having you around all the time. You truly are a tomato!

You are strong and hardworking. Not everyone understands you, but those who do really benefit from knowing you. You work hard to take care of your loved ones. You are absolutely spinach!

A Jalapeno!
You have a fiery temper and a lot of attitude, but that doesn't stop some people from falling head over heels in love with you! You certainly spice up every situation you are a part of. You like to heat things up, and you thrive in hot situations! You are a jalapeno for sure!