What Japanese Clan Would You Have Belonged To?

Wondering which Japanese clan you'd belong to? Find out now with this quiz!

Tags: Tradition

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Minamoto Clan
Also called Genji, they dominated politics during the Heian period. First Emperor, Saga, had 49 children and financial burden. There was lots of name giving and title granting.

The Taira Clan
Skilled at jiu-jitsu in historical Japan during the Heian period, they were often called Heisu or Heike. There was lots of name giving. It was the strongest and most dominant line during that time.

The Fujiwara Clan
This powerful clan originated when the founder, Nakatomi, was rewarded by Emperor Tenji. That's when Fujiwara became known as the clan name, during the Heian period. They lost control over politics once the warrior class rose to power at the end of the eleventh century.

The Tachibana Clan
They held high court posts and sought to increase and secure their power by marrying into the imperial family. They gained power in the ninth and tenth centuries, but they were eventually scattered across the country and held high government posts outside the capital.